It started 1 year ago. I was engaged making wedding plans, excited about my future life with my future husband. I don't know when it started exactly but remember I woke up one morning and had this
bad feeling that my future husband is cheating on me.
He started working late. I used to call him and he was not answering. It just seemed really suspicious. I tried to talk to him, but he was like a closed book and got angry every time I opened that subject. I just wanted to know the truth before making a mistake and get married.
I started to search the internet for people with same suspicion and find out there is that spy phone app. I installed it and started to receive all calls he made, photos he made, messages he received, his email, social media accounts, his latest locations...
And yes I saw some disturbing texts and calls he made, which made me realize that he was not the best choice for me.